Let the controversy begin! Just a thought. I’ve heard mixed feelings about this. What do you think? This is not promoting ideas a lack of commitment but instead, a trail run before you do. A mutual understanding with a “no harm no foul” walk away if you find you aren’t compatible after 89 days…

#ToTimeStealers His & Hers

This is dedicated to men and women who are wasting each other’s time
Who think that it’s funny to play with someone’s mind
Who purposely pull on heart strings of the opposite sex
Who are manipulative until someone does it to them next

2015 in Review – Thanks to You!

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.   Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 9,200 times in 2015. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that…

Roni F. Turner, Certified Relationship Coach

It’s official! I am now a Certified Relationship Coach! After my divorce I decided to dedicate myself to helping people get this “relationship thing” right! I made that decision in February. I began my journey as both a teacher and , more importantly, a perpetual student! Since then I’ve created this blog (which many of…

Cosby Scandal Reminds Both Men and Women to Take Precautions When Dating

Heads are rolling as evidence surfaces that supports the accusations against Bill Cosby. How do you protect yourself when out with a man. Not that all men are predictors because they aren’t. But as women we have to be smarter because there are crazies out there. Today we feel more comfortable  with men because we…

Are Your Choices Ruining Your Chances For Real Love

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions. Being an actual adult and making decisions gets harder and harder every year. Every year the stakes just keep getting higher. Still, we continue to manage. For those of you looking, waiting, praying for a husband to share your life with; does it have to be so hard? This dating thing I…